Cardiac Catheterization

What is cardiac catheterization?

心导管检查(心脏导管或心脏导管)是一种检查你的心脏工作状况的程序. It is used to diagnose some heart problems. 这是美国最常见的心脏手术之一.S. View an illustration of cardiac catheterization(link opens in new window).

cardiac catheter

Why do people have cardiac catheterization?

心脏导管可以提供心脏工作状况的信息, identifies problems and allows for procedures, such as angioplasty and stenting, to open blocked arteries. During a cardiac cath your health care team may:

  • Take X-rays 通过导管注射造影剂来寻找冠状动脉狭窄或阻塞. 这叫做冠状动脉造影术.
  • Perform a percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) 例如冠状动脉成形术,通过支架置入打开狭窄或阻塞的冠状动脉.
  • Check the pressure in the four chambers of your heart.
  • 采集血液样本,测量心脏四个腔室的氧含量.
  • Evaluate the ability of the pumping chambers to contract.
  • Look for defects in the valves or chambers of your heart.
  • 取一小块心脏组织(活检)在显微镜下检查.

angiogram illustration

Watch an animation of an angiogram

What are the risks of cardiac catheterization?

Cardiac cath is usually very safe. Major complications are very rare. Some minor risks include:

  • 导管插入处的瘀伤(穿刺部位).
  • Bleeding at the puncture site.
  • Reaction to the contrast dye.
  • Infection.
  • 帮助你放松或睡眠的药物的副作用,如恶心或呕吐.

Some other risks include:

  • Abnormal heart rhythm
  • Blood clots
  • Damage to a blood vessel or heart from the catheter
  • Heart attack
  • Side effects from X-rays
  • Stroke  

How do I prepare for cardiac catheterization?

  • 您将在测试前24小时得到关于饮食的指导.
  • 你通常会被要求在手术前6到8小时内不要吃或喝任何东西.
  • 如果你认为你可能怀孕了,立即告诉你的医疗团队.
  • 告诉你的医疗团队任何药物(包括非处方药), herbs and vitamins) you take. They may ask you not to take them before your procedure.
  • Tell your health care team if you are allergic to anything, especially iodine, shellfish, latex or rubber products, X-ray dye or medicines such as penicillin.
  • Arrange to have someone drive you home after your procedure.
  • 如果你有助听器,你可以在手术过程中佩戴它. If you wear glasses, bring them to your appointment.

What happens during cardiac catheterization?

一名受过特殊训练的医生与一组护士和技术人员一起执行手术. 这个过程是在医院或诊所的心导管实验室完成的.

  • Before the cath procedure, 护士会在你手臂的静脉里插入静脉注射管,这样你就可以服用药物(镇静剂)来帮助你放松, 但在手术过程中你会保持清醒并能按照指示操作.
  • 护士将清洁和刮除医生工作的地方. This is usually in the groin area.
  • 局部麻醉通常用于麻醉穿刺部位.
  • 医生会用一根针穿过你的皮肤,进入一根大血管. 一根吸管大小的管子(称为鞘)将被插入血管. 医生会轻轻地引导导管(一根又长又细的管子)穿过护套进入血管. 当导管穿过主要血管到达心脏时,视频屏幕将显示导管的位置. 你可能会感到腹股沟有压力,但你不应该感到任何疼痛.
  • Various instruments may be placed at the tip of the catheter. 它们包括测量每个心腔和与心脏相连的血管中的血压的仪器, view the interior of blood vessels, take blood samples from different parts of the heart, or remove a tissue sample from inside the heart.
  • 当用导管注入可以在x射线上看到的染料时, the procedure is called angiography.
  • 导管用于清除狭窄或阻塞的动脉, 这个过程被称为血管成形术或经皮冠状动脉介入治疗.
  • 当导管用于扩大狭窄的心脏瓣膜开口时, the procedure is called valvuloplasty.
  • The doctor will remove the catheters and the sheath. Your nurse will put pressure on the site to prevent bleeding. Sometimes a special closure device is used.

What happens after cardiac catheterization?

You will go to a recovery room for a few hours. During this time, you must lie flat.

  • 压在穿刺处以止血.
  • 你将被要求保持你的腿伸直,将无法下床.
  • 您的心跳和其他生命体征(脉搏和血压)将在您恢复期间进行检查. 
  • 如果穿刺处有任何肿胀、疼痛或出血,或者胸痛,请及时报告.
  • If you had an additional procedure during the cardiac cath, you may have to spend the night in the hospital.
  • 在你离开医院之前,你会收到书面指示,告诉你在家里该怎么做.

What happens after I get home?

一定要遵循您的医疗团队提供的所有指示. 遵医嘱服药并在出院前预约随访是很重要的. 大多数人可以在手术后的第二天恢复正常活动,这取决于在心脏导管期间是否做了任何额外的手术.

A small bruise at the puncture site is normal. 如果患处开始流血,平躺在上面,用力按压几分钟. Then, recheck to see if the bleeding has stopped. 

Call your health care professional if:

  • 你被刺穿的腿变得麻木或刺痛,或者你的脚感到冷或变蓝.
  • The area around the puncture site looks more bruised.
  • The puncture site swells or fluids drain from it.
  • 入口部位的出血是无法用强力压住的.
  • You experience:
    • Chest pain or shortness of breath
    • Dizziness
    • Fever
    • Irregular, very slow or fast heartbeat

Call 911 if:

  • The puncture site swells up very fast.
  • 当你用力按压时,从穿刺处流出的血并没有减慢.

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